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SEARCH- World Intellectual Property Organization

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SEARCH- World Intellectual Property Organization

USD $299.00
SEARCH- World Intellectual Property Organization
SEARCH- World Intellectual Property Organization
SEARCH- World Intellectual Property Organization
SEARCH- World Intellectual Property Organization
SEARCH- World Intellectual Property Organization
SEARCH- World Intellectual Property Organization

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SEARCH- World Intellectual Property Organization

USD $299.00
Model Number: WIPO
We search international patents with our comprehensive WIPO patent search. Access international patent applications, published documents, patent families, classifications, and legal status. Expand your patent research globally.
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  • Description

A patent search of the World Intellectual Property Organization files (an international search)

When conducting a patent search on the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) website, you can access information and documents related to international patents. The WIPO patent search, known as PATENTSCOPE, provides the following:

  1. International Patent Applications: You can search and view international patent applications filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). These applications are submitted by inventors and companies seeking patent protection in multiple countries.

  2. Published International Patent Documents: The WIPO database includes published international patent documents, which are the results of the PCT international phase. These documents contain detailed descriptions of the inventions, claims, drawings, and other relevant information.

  3. Patent Family Information: PATENTSCOPE allows you to explore the patent family information associated with an international patent application. A patent family consists of multiple patents filed in various countries that are related to the same invention. This information can be useful to identify the jurisdictions where the patent has been filed.

  4. International Patent Classification (IPC): Patents in the WIPO database are classified according to the International Patent Classification system. You can use the IPC codes to search for patents in specific technology areas or subclasses.

  5. Legal Status: The WIPO patent search provides information on the legal status of international patent applications and granted patents. You can find details on the application's current status, whether it is pending, granted, or has been abandoned.

  6. Patent Images: PATENTSCOPE also includes images and drawings associated with international patent applications and granted patents. These visual representations can provide additional insights into the invention.

  7. Patent Citations: International patent documents within the WIPO database may contain citations to prior art and related patents. These citations can help you identify relevant inventions or explore the state of the art in a particular field.

  8. It's important to note that while WIPO's PATENTSCOPE database provides access to a significant number of international patents, it may not include all patents filed worldwide. Each national or regional patent office has its own database and may not necessarily share all their patent documents with WIPO. Therefore, for a comprehensive search, it's recommended to explore additional national or regional patent databases as well.

It's important to note that while the WIPO patent search database is comprehensive, it may not include all US patents or patent applications. For a broader search, you may need to consult other patent databases or resources. We suggest upgrading to a Comprehensive Search as your application may be denied if an international patent, US Patent or a product is currently found. Unless you have already completed all other patent and product searches prior or are doing basic research a Full Comprehensive Search should be done.

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