SearchQuest Patent Search

PRESS RELEASE : SearchQuest Patents

United Inventors Association

SearchQuest Patents: We Search the World

Now a Corporate Sponsor of the United Inventors Association!

Denver, Colorado, based SearchQuest Patents, is a professional patent search company. Moreover, they specialize in offering a comprehensive patent search conducted by an independent third party for a flat rate. And now they are excited to announce their new corporate sponsorship of the United Inventors Association!

The United Inventors’ Association is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to providing educational resources and opportunities to the independent inventing community. Subsequently, they encourage honest and ethical business practices among industry service providers.  The UIA defines their mission as Empowering Inventors through Education, Access and Advocacy. To learn more about the UIA, check them out here:

SearchQuest Patents is thrilled to be approved as a corporate sponsor for such a prestigious organization that is so dedicated to working with and educating up and coming independent inventors.  To learn more about the services SearchQuest Patents offers, please check out the website here:

What Makes SearchQuest Unique

SearchQuest is unique in its approach to performing comprehensive patent searches because it focuses on utilizing not just the USPTO database, but also the international database maintained by WIPO. To check out the recent topics discussed by their CEO, Rita Crompton, also known as The Inventor Lady, go to:
United Inventors Association: Educating and helping inventors succeed.
Comprehensive Patent Search
Everyone is an inventor!

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